WADADLI RIDERS: Reviews for “Made in Antigua” (LP)


“This should be well-received by surf fanatics around the world; all the essential ingredients are here – lotsa reverb, clever tunes, tight arrangements and solid playing throughout. Good job!”
Paul Johnson – Belairs, Surfaris (www.pjmoto.com)

“Made in Antigua truly rocks! The songs are unique and original and masterfully played by a band that really understands surf music. I recommend this album!”
Danny Amis aka Daddy-O Grande (www.daddyogrande.com)

“I’ve listened to the new CD several times. Nice job and something all of you can be proud of. I like “Kawaramachi” and, even more, “Hurricane Season”. Anybody who loves drippy, reverbed guitar will enjoy the album.”
John Blair – Jon & The Nightriders, Eliminators

“What can I say abou the new CD from the Wadadli Riders? They may be from the Caribbean but their style of surf music is like taking off on a glassy ten foot wave at the Huntington Beach Pier. Each song is like screaming across the face of a mammoth wave locked in the curl. You can feel the spray in your face listening to this CD. If you want instrumental surf, this is the real deal.”
Tim Ferrill – Eliminators’ management

“Made In Antigua is a splendid release from Wadadli Riders, the only surfband in Antigua. There are a number of really superb tracks here. The sound is very traditional, but the melodies are influenced by the locale. Wonderful.”
Phil Dirt – ReverbCentral.com (check out the review track by track)

“I’ve been listening to this CD all week, and enjoy it more on each spin. It is like an early 1960’s release with great playing, and great sound! Lorenzo and Niki pay tribute to a lot of great players on this record while making it sound totally fresh. Highly recommended.”
Rev Hank – Urban Surf Kings

“(…) The first title Dwell At 10 is a big clue, and the reverb control must indeed have been set to max as this is a great surf blast with a melody to match. With its cascading runs and tremoloed chords it harks back to the best of the vintage surf classics and is the album’s ‘hit single’. With similar ingredients JBL D-130F does come close, but the rest of the tracks were never going to match it. However, they all have plenty of that great guitar sound and are well up to standard album fare. The Killer Wave and Hurricane Season bubble away neatly, Calm Before A Storm has a mellow start before launching into a blizzard of double-picking and there’s a gently surf ballad to close with in Going My Wave.”
Alan Taylor – Pipeline Instrumental Review N. 81